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2024, no. 1


Zenin O.I., Alexeyev S.O., Nemtinova A.V., Baiderin A.A.

For the nonlocal gravity model, a new solution of the rotating black hole (BH) type was obtained using the Newman-Janis algorithm. It was shown how it is possible to take into account quantum gravitational corrections for modeling black hole shadows using rotating metrics in a model-independent approach. This approach will be effective in the future, as the accuracy of observations increases, since in this case a theoretical justification of new results is required. It is shown that it is possible to take into account various field corrections instead of introducing new fields and/or expansions in curvature.

Keywords: Black hole shadow, Event Horizon Telescope, extended theories of gravity, Sgr A*, quantum gravity, Kerr metric.

UDC: 53.01

PACS: 04.80.Cc, 04.50.Kd

DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2024.1.59-64

Please cite this article in English as:
Zenin O.I., Alexeyev S.O., Nemtinova A.V., Baiderin A.A. Models with curvature and quantum corrections in astrophysics. Space, Time and Fundamental Interactions, 2024, no. 1, pp. 59-64.