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2024, no. 1


Vorokhov A.V., Groshev D.E.

In this paper we use a geodesic method for constructing a black hole shadow. It’s based on numerical integration of geodesic equations by the 5th order Dormand-Prince method. We construct an image of charged black hole shadow in the framework of Heisenberg-Euler electrodynamics and perform a comparative analysis of this image with a similar image in the classical case of Maxwell electrodynamics.

Keywords: Black hole image, Nonlinear electrodynamics, Gravitational lensing.

UDC: 537.8, 52-35

PACS: 03.50.Kk, 41.20.Cv

DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2024.1.132-135

Please cite this article in English as:
Vorokhov A.V., Groshev D.E. Black hole image in Heisenberg-Euler electrodynamics. Space, Time and Fundamental Interactions, 2024, no. 1, pp. 132-135.