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2024, no. 1


Ishkaeva V.A., Sushkov S.V.

The existence of wormholes has not yet been confirmed experimentally. One way to detect them is to analyze images of astrophysical objects, for example, images of supermassive compact objects at the centers of galaxies. Knowing the mass and rotation speed of a compact object, one can judge from its image whether it is a wormhole. This paper presents an image of a slowly rotating Ellis–Bronnikov wormhole surrounded by an accretion disk. We compare it with an image of the Kerr black hole and show that the images of these two objects are significantly different.

Keywords: black hole; wormhole; wormhole image.

UDC: 524.882

PACS: 04.70.-ñ, 04.90.+e

DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2024.1.65-71

Please cite this article in English as:
Ishkaeva V.A., Sushkov S.V. The image of a rotating Ellis–Bronnikov wormhole. Space, Time and Fundamental Interactions, 2024, no. 1, pp. 65-71.