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2022, no. 3


Andrusenko S.L., Krichevskiy D.P., Rudenko V.N.

The problem of the event horizon in relativistic gravity is discussed. Singular solutions in general relativity are well known. The Schwarschild metric of a spherical mass is singular at zero (\(r = 0\)) and at the event horizon (\(r = r_g\)). Both features reflect the existence of the phenomenon of collapse in general relativity for compact masses exceeding \(3M_\odot\). A material particle crossing the event horizon falls into a central singularity according to the classical theory of general relativity. In the quantum theory of gravity, there may be no central singularity. The physics of the event horizon is currently being refined. A promising technique is the study of gravitational waves (GW) accompanying the merger of binary black holes at the ringdown stage. GW observations of quasinormal modes of the newly formed super dense remnant will help clarify the physics of the event horizon.

Keywords: general relativity, black holes, event horizon, gravitational waves.

UDC: 530.122, 524.882

PACS: 04.20, 04.70

DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2022.3.82-96

Please cite this article in English as:
Andrusenko S.L., Krichevskiy D.P., Rudenko V.N. Black holes and the nature of the event horizon. Space, Time and Fundamental Interactions, 2022, no. 40, pp. 82-96.